Pre K-12 Curriculum

Amoeba Education offers a wide range of Curriculum Development services to support change and drive school improvement. Our consultants provide curriculum content and process advocacy tailored to the individual needs of our clients. We work with CBSE / ICSE / International schools to equip educators with the tools and knowledge to prepare all students for success in school and the world beyond.

We provide curriculum that help schools create a Learner Engaged Environment that includes the following eight learning indicators:

  • Engaged Learning – Teachers and students are responsible for learning, energized by learning, and engaged in planning and collaboration
  • Activities for Engaged Learning – Tasks are challenging, authentic, and integrative/interdisciplinary /trans disciplinary
  • Assessment of Engaged Learning – Assessment is performance-based, generative , interwoven with curriculum and instruction, and has equitable standards
  • Teaching Models and Strategies – Strategies are interactive and generative (learners construct and produce knowledge in meaningful ways)
  • Learning Context – Context is a knowledge-building learning community that is collaborative and empathetic
  • Grouping – Grouping is heterogeneous, flexible, and equitable
  • Teacher Roles – Roles include facilitator, guide, co-learner and co-investigator
  • Student Roles – Roles include explorer, cognitive apprentice and producer of knowledg

Our areas of support include

  • Curriculum mapping
  • Designing thematic / inquiry units
  • Developing lesson plans / activities that supplement text books
  • Designing syllabus handbook, school calendar and parent handbook
  • Developing teaching strategies
  • Designing assessment model
  • Integrate IT with curriculum
  • Inclusive education